> Society Introduction > Instruction
Korean Endocrine Society Regulations
- Established 1982.07.10
- Revision 1986.11.15
- Revision 1989.02.28
- Revision 1997.11.06
- Revision 2000.11.24
- Revision 2005.02.17
- Revision 2011.04.29
- Revision 2012.04.20
- Revision 2012.11.02
Chapter 1 - General
Article 1 (Name)
The name of the society is the Korean Endocrine Society.
Article 2 (Office)
The office of the society is located in Seoul, Korea.
Article 3 (Purpose)
The purpose of the society is to contribute to the development of medical science in Korea through endocrinology and its related natural sciences and to foster relationships and academic exchange among members.
Article 4 (Project)
The society engages in the projects listed below in order to achieve the goals mentioned above.
- Host conferences, seminars and symposiums
- Publish the Journal of the Korean Endocrine Society and other academic books
- Academic exchange with related societies in Korea and overseas
- Projects for the academic development of members
- Training activities/ workshops for doctors and trainees
- Other projects recognized by the society
Chapter 2 - Member
Article 6 (Composition)
The society consists of members representing the categories listed below.
- Regular and life members
- Associate members
- Honorary members
- Special members
Article 7 (Qualification for membership)
The qualification for membership in each category is as follows.
- Regular and lifetime members: Those who research endocrinology, support the purpose of the society and pay defined fees
- Associate members: Endocrinology trainees or those with equivalent professional involvement
- Honorary members: Those who have contributed significantly to the society and are selected from the council
- Special members: Individuals or groups which support the purpose of the society and are involved with the society’s projects
Article 8 (Membership procedure)
Those who want to join the society shall submit an application form and the defined amount of membership and annual fees.
Article 9 (Duties and Rights)
- The regular members of the society have franchise, eligibility and voting rights as well as rights to freely receive the journal of the society. The associate, honorary and special members do not have such rights except to freely receive the journal of the society.
- All the members shall observe rules, internal regulations and decisions from the council and pay fees and other allotments.
- The fees consist of annual, lifetime and special fees. The annual fee is paid in a defined amount each year, and the lifetime fee is defined as an amount equivalent to 10 years of annual fees paid by a regular member for lifetime membership. The special fee is a fee paid by special members.
Article 10 (Expulsion)
Members may be expelled by decision of the council in any of the cases below.
- Not observe duties of the members without proper reason, defame the honor of the society or act in violation of the purpose of the society
- Those who have not paid fees for more than 3 years without an appropriate reason
- Those who have not attended general meetings for more than 3 years without an appropriate reason
Chapter 3 – Elected Officials
Article 11 (Elected Officials)
The society elects officials from the regular members. The numbers of official positions are below.
- President: 1
- Vice president: 2
- Chairman: 1
- Director: ~10
- Auditor: 2
Article 12 (Duties of Elected Officials)
- The president represents the society, acts as the chairman of the council and hosts conferences.
- The vice presidents assist the president and act as the president in his/her absence.
- The chairman handles the affairs of the society and acts as the chairman of the board of directors. The trustee of director acts as the chairman in his/her absenceThe directors host their respective committees and shall report the results to the board of directors and the council.
- The auditors supervise general and financial affairs of the society and report the results to the council.
Article 13 (Elections)
- The president is elected from among regular members recommended by the chairman in the general council held each spring, and it is reported to the advisory board.reports to the advisory board.
- The spring regular council elects a new chairman and auditors at the end of the second year of the incumbent chairman’s term, and it is reported to the advisory board.
- The vice presidents are nominated by the president.
- The candidates for chairman shall register 30 days before the election date with recommendations from more than 10 council members.
- The council selects from more than 2 chairman candidates by secret ballot and the candidate with the most votes becomes the next chairman.
- The president shall notify the society 60 days before the election of the next chairman.
- All incoming elected officials shall be designated and notified by the incoming chairman 30 days before inauguration for smooth operation of the society; new officials may be added or adjusted if required.
Article 14 (Term)
- The terms of the president and the vice president are 1 year and reappointment is not permitted.
- The terms of the chairman, directors and auditors are 2 years and reappointment is not permitted for the chairman.
- The terms of the directors from by-election are the remaining term of the predecessor.
Article 15 (Honorary President)
The society may elect an honorary president from the previous presidents and chairmen, recommended by the council and reported to the general meeting.
Chapter 4 - Organization
Article 16 (General Meeting)
- The regular general meeting is convened by the president once a year and receives reports and decisions from the council.
- The extraordinary general meeting is convened by the president upon the request of the majority of the council or the board of directors.
- The general meeting is considered valid with the presence of a majority of the regular members.
- The president is the host of the general meeting.
Article 17 (Council)
- The society forms the council to collect opinions from the members for the society.
- The council members are selected among the regular members by the board of directors; the president, the vice presidents and the directors automatically become official council members.
- The council members are associate professors and other higher positions among the regular members, and have a term of 2 years. Reappointments are permitted.
- The council has two regular meetings (spring and autumn) per year which are convened by the president.
- The extraordinary council meeting is convened by the president upon the request of more than 1/3 of current council members or the board of directors.
- The council discusses and decides budget and settlement reviews, rule revision, forming sectional committees and other affairs and selects the president, vice presidents and auditors.
- The council meeting is considered valid with the presence of majority of the current council members and decisions are made with the consent from the majority of the attending council members
- The president is the chairman of the council and has no voting rights. However, the chairman may have deciding vote in decisions where a consensus cannot be made.
- University retirees (regular and honorary) and council members who are absent more than two times in two years without delegation automatically lose their status as council members and new members are selected to fill the vacated seats. Priority for council seats is given to regular professors, or associate professors with more than 3 years of professional experience. New council members are selected after the application and screening process.
Article 18 (Advisory Board)
- The advisory board consists of former presidents and chairmen and regular members who contribute significantly to the society and are older than 65 years old.
- The term of the advisors is for life.
- Advisors are selected from the board of directors and shall be approved by the council.
- The advisory board members shall provide advice upon the request of the chairman for important items and the incumbent chairman may wield voting rights by joining the advisory board.
Article 19 (Board of Directors)
- The directors are designated by the chairman.
- The board of directors consists of the chairman, the president, the vice presidents, the directors, the auditors and the branch heads, meets more than four times per year and is convened by the chairman. The chairman hosts meetings.
- The board of directors meeting is considered valid with the presence of more than a majority of current directors and decisions are made by consent from more than a majority of the attending directors.
- The extraordinary board of directors meeting may be convened by the chairman or more than majority of the directors as required.
Article 20 (Tasks)
The board of directors has the directors below to execute the decisions made in the board of directors meeting.
- Secretary General: Manage the affairs of the society, form and operate the general affairs group
- Director, Committee of Scientific Affairs: Manage conferences and their related works
- Director, Committee of Publications: Manage the journal and publication
- Director, Committee of Training: Manage training for trainees and doctors
- Director, Committee of Board Examination: Manage qualification tests for specialists and other exams related to the society
- Treasurer: Manage the finances of the society and join the general affairs group
- Director, Committee of Public Relations: Manage promotion and invitation for the society
- Director, Committee of Health Insurance: Manage affairs for health insurances and fees
- Director, Committee of Research: Manage tasks for endocrinology research and related natural sciences
- Director, Committee of International Liaison: Manage tasks for international academic exchange
- Director, Committee of Ethics: Review and manage activities of the society and its members on an ethical basis
- Director, Committee of Clinical Trials: Manage all the clinical trials made through the society
- Director, Committee of Education: Manage education of all people in the medical field except doctors
- Director, Committee of Information: Manage the website and other information-related tasks
- Director, Sub-committee of Master Course: Manage tasks for the master course of the society
- Director, Committee of Planning:
- Director without Portfolio:
Article 21 (Committee)
- The society has committees including the general affairs, academy, publication, training, exams, financial affairs, promotion, insurance, research, international cooperation, ethics and clinical trials committees.
- Each responsible director is the head of his/her respective committee.
- The chairman may form ad hoc committees through a decision from the board of directors if required.
- The director for general affairs may form a group for smooth operation of the society; the director for financial affairs becomes an official member of the group with some deputy managers selected from the regular members to form the group. The deputy managers may become official members of each committee if required.
- The number of members in each committee may vary. The members are selected by the committee heads and appointed by the chairman.
Article 22 (Subcommittee, Branch and Research Group)
- The society supports its affiliated subcommittees, branches and research groups (hereafter each group) and each group shall report its activities to the society.
- Each group selects a representative to attend the board of directors meeting and research committee meeting as official members but has no voting rights in the board of directors meeting.
- Each group shall report its operation and activities to the council.
Chapter 5 - Finance
Article 23
The finance of the society is supported by entrance, annual, lifetime and special fees and donations from the members. The entrance, annual and special fees are decided by the board of directors and confirmed by the council.
Article 24
The fiscal year of the society commences every January 1.
Chapter 6 - Schedule
Article 25
The rules of the society may be revised by suggestion from the board of directors and decision by the council.
Article 26
The specifics not defined in the rules of the society follow general conventions.
Article 27
This revised rule takes effect from the date of confirmation by the council.